Landscaping company:  Effective January 2, 2024, Annco has begun a year long contract with Rialto. If you have new, please contact the Rialto Clubhouse Office by phone or email ([email protected]) to submit a request. The BOD is working with Lang and Annco to set up an online ticketing system and will communicate accordingly [expected by May 2024]. NOTE: any special homeowner requests or issues with landscaping should be first addressed with the Rialto Office (Lang Management) – NOT ANNCO directly.

Communications: Each month Lang sends out the lawn cutting, trimming, and weed spraying (pavers/beds) schedule. Please refer to that schedule but note that due to rain/weather it might be altered from time-to-time.

Fertilization: The next lawn fertilization (2nd) will be done in late April and then finally in November (3rd and final for 2024).

Ants: If you see ant hills, please contact the office or open a ticket.

Mulch: Homeowners must use mulch or an approved substitute in their front yards [See below for more information re: mulch].

Lake treatments: We have a contract with Aquagenix to do monthly treatments of the lakes throughout our community.


Please do not block street drains with landscape debris (palm fronds, etc.) All small, loose cuttings need to be bagged before placing them at the road for pick-up.

Need to turn off your irrigation system if it is malfunctioning or
leaking? The shut-off is located near your backflow in the front
yard. Be sure to have your backflow inspected yearly as required by
the TOJ. Note: If your having irrigation trouble after hours, please
contact your preferred vendor for services. The HOA is not responsible for this type of repair.

Landscape Trimmings:
Trimming done by a company hired by the owner should be removed by the vendor and not placed by the road. WM is only contracted to remove a certain amount of vegetation and most placed by the curbs exceeds that amount.

Contact Waste Management prior to scheduling any work. Vegetation should not be placed on the grass as it can damage irrigation heads as well as the grass. Any damage caused by owners placing debris on the
common area will be the responsibility of the homeowner.

Trimming of Grass/Weeds Under fences:
Annco has advised management that if a fence is at ground level, they will do their best to remove vegetation beneath but sometimes spray a grass killer to give it a more refined line.

Items the Landscaper Cannot be Responsible For Items that have been left in the lawn:
-Any cut wires or damage to outdoor lighting unless they are properly installed and buried within a planting bed. Wires should be in a wire guard.
-Any damage to hoses that are not properly stored or secured.
-Any screens ripped or damaged that do not have a kick plate at the bottom or at least a one (1) ft. buffer in front of the screen to protect it.

Items not included in the landscape contract: Trimming of the following: Trees, Bamboo, Areca palms, Sabal Palms, self-shedding palms, any seed pods over 15ft. We currently have a contract with OnlyTrees however that is for the common area trees only. Homeowners are responsible for their own trimming of the items listed above.

No shrubs (including Clusia) above 8 ft will be trimmed.

-Mulch is required in all beds. The landscaper recommends a minimum 2” layer. Anything lower could result in the mulch being blown out when leaves are blown from the beds. If you would like to substitute mulch for rock or other material, please fill out an ACC application for review by the Architectural Control Committee.

-Owners should not mulch street rings as this is done yearly by the HOA and in one color for uniformity.

-Annco offers mulch if you prefer them to install it. If you would like a quote, please contact the management office.